There have been people that have climbed the over 29,000 feet of Mount Everest, and did it all alone. When each of those people got to the top they realized that they have done what most will never even try. They climbed the tallest mountain in the entire world!!! – but they don’t have anyone there to share it with. They don’t have a person there to do the “happy dance” with! All they can do is look around at the wide open space, take a selfie and then walk back down. How disappointing is that?
It works the same way in your business. Why build it alone, why even attempt that? In fact, I would tell you, if you could build a business alone it would not be worth it. The joy in getting to the top (whatever that looks like to you) is celebrating with those that arrived there with you. So…
What does that have to do with team training and attitudes? Great question. You can train your team to produce financial statements on time, run your POS system like a pro, mop the floor to a “spit shine” but there has to be more. And there is. Crushing your competition with a staff full of positive attitudes takes work of a different kind. The training that I am suggesting is much deeper. Your staff come to you individually with explosive embers inside them (bad attitudes) ready for you to light the match. I could write a book on this (and just might someday) but below are a few suggestions on where you should start in “constantly” training your staff.
This “training” is more about the inside, and the changes have to be in you first. So my question to you is: are you passionate about what you do?? You have to love what you do and are doing what you love. Passion connects you with other people. Passion gets noticed. People are attracted by passion and enthusiasm. Passion wins. Passion is contagious. Passion creates an attitude that increases your success.
Simply stated, a team attitude is a “we” and “our” attitude instead of a “me” and “my” attitude. It has been said that humans are 97% water and the rest is attitude. Think of your business as a sports team, and teams win as a group.
· You know if you win the game,
· You know if one of the players does something that lets the team down, and
· You know that the word TEAM does not have an “I” in it.
Some requirements of a successful team attitude are…
· Team attitude requirement #1: Be unselfish. It is very important to remember to check your ego at the door when joining a team.
· Team attitude requirement #2: Find a role and fill it. Unless the whole staff is working together for one common purpose, the team doesn’t win. Each team member must carry out assigned duties and responsibilities, meshing his or her efforts with those of the other teammates, so that the goals can be achieved and the vision can become a reality. There is no room on any team for separate agendas.
· Team attitude requirement #3: Be a team of cheerleaders. We all need encouragement and cheers. Encouragement promotes growth. Praise enhances morale.
· Team attitude requirement #4: Have fun! Just like in the movie, The Mighty Ducks, in order to win as a team you must have fun.
· Team attitude requirement #5: Follow the leader. Business leaders and staff are partners, with clearly defined roles. But when staff members defy, ignore, or undermine the leadership, then the entire team attitude quickly disintegrates. Business leaders and their style of leadership have a lot to do with encouraging healthy followership. Those who lead by including the staff, by making them all feel important, by valuing, encouraging and drawing them into the overall team effort, tend to encourage enthusiastic followership.
· Team attitude requirement #6: Be flexible. Be adaptable, creative, coachable, eager to try new ideas and new approaches, and not rigid or stuck in a rut.
· Team attitude requirement #7: Think in sync. Team members have to learn to think in sync, to read each other’s movements and gestures, head nods and eye winks. The great teams are those in which the leader and staff spend a great deal of time together, training together, communicating together, and getting to know each other’s style. Everyone has to be on the same page.