A while back I began to notice something. Every successful people that I was studying has a daily routine - and it always seems to start in the morning. When I noticed this I developed one for myself. Mine is below and is in an outline format - and the bullet points are personal in nature to me.
I challenge you to develop your own daily routine. Use mine as a model if you like.
Daily Routine For Complete Success
Train your body to jump out of bed in the morning
Do some form of exercise – turns on your metabolism
Breathing – in with 4 breaths through the nose, then four breaths out through the mouth
Visualize what you are grateful for
Use a bullseye approach
Praise and worship time
Praise God for who He is
Thank Him for what He has done
Focus on what you want as if you have already achieved it
Tell yourself “out loud” that God wants to bless you with all He has
Hebrews 11:1 - Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. NLT
Focus on your day
Your appointments – Say out loud how you are going to bless everyone that you come in contact with
Your tasks – Say out loud that your hands, feet and brain are anointed to do great and mighty things today
What you desire as the outcome of the day – Say out loud what you want to see happen today
The power of positive words – Say with strong passion…
I can do all things through Christ gives me strength
I am blessed when I rise up, when I sit down, when I come in and when I go out
I am healed to do great things today
I am strong
I am smart
I am successful
I am blessed
I am awesome
I am handsome
I am an overcomer