For many people, growing your net worth and becoming financially free is a desperate sought after desire. However, something seems to get in the way. For instance, you are beginning to save on a regular basis and then the car breaks down draining all that savings. Sound familiar? Below are few reasons why many people get held back financially.
Not PLANNING for the storms to come
We all know it will rain again some someday, both in the natural and in our financial lives as well. Perhaps we need to follow our dad’s advice, “Save for a rainy day.” You do this by having a financial plan to live by when things are good and being prepared when things take a turn for the worse.
Not PREPARING to take advantage of good opportunities
Being able to take advantage of sale prices can help the family’s budget tremendously. When should you take advantage of the ½ price sale? Great question – when you have the extra money, and would need to buy the item anyway. When shouldn’t you buy that sale item? Another great question - when you don’t have the extra money, and it is a true “want” not a “need” for you and/or your family.
PAYING too much of… the list could go on and on, but here a few.
Interest – We all know that debt is easy to get into. Credit cards often charge over 20% interest, and the “Buy now, and pay later” philosophy is common in our culture
Depreciation – especially on automobiles. Example… You buy a nice, new car for $25,000. You drive it for 2-3 years and decide to trade it in on another nice, new car. You really negotiate with the car salesman to get the best price possible – and you feel really good about it; then you mention your trade-in. The salesman happily agrees to have your car looked at. He comes back to tell you that they will give you $12,000 for your car. You invested $25,000 2-3 years ago, and now your investment is worth $12,000!
If you want to get ahead (and stay ahead) financially you need to create a plan so you can take advantage of really good deals and opportunities. Then analyze your spending habits and see where you are paying too much.